Novalager Yeast, 11 g
Designed primarily to produce lager style beers at warmer temperatures, while avoiding some of the more common problems associated with lager production.
Beer Styles: Ideal for crafting a wide range of beer styles, from crisp lagers to hybrid ales, thanks to its versatility and clean fermentation profile.
Aroma & Flavour: Enhances aroma and flavor with a balanced ester profile, delivering subtle fruity notes while maintaining the beer’s clean character.
Performance: Outstanding fermentation performance with consistent attenuation, fast settling, and high viability, ensuring reliable results batch after batch.
Application: Perfect for both professional breweries and homebrewers, Novalager Yeast adapts easily to various brewing methods and fermentation conditions.
Designed primarily to produce lager style beers at warmer temperatures, while avoiding some of the more common problems associated with lager production. The yeast will allow faster fermentation times and will not create sulfidic off flavours and will be a low producer of diacetyl.
Novalager is a robust lager strain with ideal characteristics for producing clean lager beer with distinct flavour characteristics and it has a superior fermentation performance, with high attenuation, and high flocculation.
Aroma: Clean, low to medium ester, no sulfur
Percent solids: 93% - 97%
Viability: ≥ 1 x 10⁹ CFU per gram of dry yeast
Bacteria: < 1 per 106 yeast cells
Flocculation: High
Attenuation: High. 78 - 84 %
Fermentation range: 50 - 68°F. (10 - 20°C)
Alcohol tolerance: 13% ABV
Pitching Rate:50-100g/HL
Fermentation can be completed in 6 days.
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