Castle Malting
Product no: 20100501.

Munich Malt - Castle Malting

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Château Munich is a Belgian specialty malt known for its robust malty flavour and deep golden hue. Kilned at high temperatures, it lends a rich grain character and a slight amber tone to various beer styles, notably enhancing malty flavour without impacting body or foam stability. Suitable for pale ales, amber, brown, and dark beers, it can compose up to 60% of the malt bill.

  1. Wort Colour: 21-28 EBC
  2. Usage: Up to 60% of the grain bill
  3. Beer styles: Suitable for a range of beer types, especially character-driven brews


What is Château Munich?

Château Munich is a versatile Munich-type malt developed by Castle Malting, Belgium. It’s kilned up to 100-105°C, producing a deeply golden malt with a pronounced malty aroma. This malt is specifically designed to bring out a rich, grain-forward flavour that is ideal for a broad spectrum of beer styles.

How to Use Château Munich

Château Munich can be used at up to 60% of the grist. Brewers often pair it with lighter base malts like Château Pilsen 2RS to add depth and richness without darkening the beer too significantly. It is popular in medium to strong ales and lagers, enhancing malt character while allowing for unique flavour balance and complexity.

Flavour Profile

Château Munich has a full-bodied maltiness, delivering sweet, toasted grain and biscuit notes. It adds a smooth depth that enhances both the flavour and mouthfeel of beers, providing a warm, rich maltiness that is distinct yet harmonious when combined with other malts.

Enzymatic Activity

The enzymatic activity of Château Munich is lower than pale malts, making it an ideal addition to grain bills where enzymes from base malts are available to support its integration.


For the best extraction and flavour release, mashing Château Munich with base malts like Pilsen or Pale malts is recommended. This combination aids the mash process by contributing enzymes, ensuring an efficient breakdown and consistent conversion.

Combining with Other Malts

Château Munich works beautifully with lighter malts, adding depth to the overall flavour. It can also be used alongside specialty caramel malts to deepen the body without overwhelming the final profile.

Benefits of Château Munich

This malt enhances the malt profile without compromising beer stability or head retention. Additionally, Château Munich's colour contribution and rich malty flavour offer brewers a way to elevate both aesthetics and taste in lighter and darker brews.


Crafted using traditional malting techniques, Château Munich draws from Castle Malting’s heritage in premium malt production, aligning with rigorous European standards for high-quality brewing ingredients.

Key Features:

  • Moisture Content: Max 4.5%
  • Extract (Dry Basis): Min 80.0%
  • Wort Colour: 21-28 EBC
  • Roasting Temperature: 100-105°C
  • Usage: Up to 60% of the grain bill
  • Flavour Profile: Rich, malty, grain-forward
  • Applications: Pale ale, amber, brown, dark beers, and bocks
  • Beer styles: Suitable for a range of beer types, especially character-driven brews

Additional Parameters:

  • Total Protein: Max 11.5%
  • Friability: Min 80%

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