Cara Ruby Malt - Castle Malting
Château Cara Ruby® is a medium Belgian caramel-style malt, known for its rich toffee and caramel flavours. This malt is created through high-temperature germination and roasting, giving it an intense aroma and a light amber to reddish hue in beer. Its glassy endosperm contributes body, head retention, and stability to brews, making it a premium choice for various amber and darker ales.
- Wort Colour: 45–55 EBC
- Usage: Up to 25% of the mix.
- Beer styles: Brown Ales, Brune des Flandres, Bock, Scottish Ales
What is Château Cara Ruby?
Château Cara Ruby® is a caramel malt with distinctive properties that enhance both the flavour and appearance of beer. This malt undergoes a high-temperature germination process, followed by roasting at temperatures up to 220°C. This gives it a unique caramel-sweet and toffee-like profile, making it ideal for adding warmth and depth to beers.
How to Use Château Cara Ruby
Château Cara Ruby® is versatile, suitable for various amber and brown beers. Its intense flavour complements darker malt bases in styles like Brown Ales, Scottish Ales, and Bock, and it can be used at up to 25% of the total malt blend.
Flavour Profile
Château Cara Ruby® provides a rich caramel sweetness with a toffee-like complexity. It enhances mouthfeel and offers an alluring aroma that pairs well with darker malt varieties.
Enzymatic Activity
As a caramel malt, Château Cara Ruby® has limited enzymatic activity, primarily contributing non-fermentable sugars that enhance body and stability rather than directly impacting fermentation.
This malt integrates well into standard mashing processes, especially when combined with malts that provide enzymatic activity. Its caramelised sugars create a stable brew with consistent head formation and retention.
Combining with Other Malts
Château Cara Ruby® pairs effectively with base malts and roasted malts, adding sweetness and colour depth to the overall profile. It’s especially beneficial for amber to darker beer styles where a balance of roasted and caramel notes is desired.
Benefits of Château Cara Ruby
The unique processing of Château Cara Ruby® provides both flavour and structural stability to beers, contributing to head retention and overall mouthfeel while delivering an enhanced aromatic profile.
This malt reflects the Belgian tradition of crafting complex, flavour-rich malts that enrich a variety of European-style beers, echoing Castle Malting’s heritage of artisanal malt production.
Key Features
- Moisture Content: Max 8.0%
- Extract (Dry Basis): Min 78.0%
- Wort Colour: 45–55 EBC
- Roasting Temperature: Up to 220°C
- Usage: Up to 25% of the mix.
- Flavour Profile: Caramel-sweet, toffee-like
- Applications: Ideal for amber and dark ales
- Beer styles: Brown Ales, Brune des Flandres, Bock, Scottish Ales
Additional Parameter
- pH: 6.0
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