Cara Blond Malt - Castle Malting
Château Cara Blond® is a Belgian caramel-style malt that imparts a mild caramel-sweet aroma and a golden hue to beer. This pale caramel malt is processed with high-temperature germination and reaches taste development at temperatures up to 220°C, creating a unique glassiness that contributes to mouthfeel, head retention, and stability in the final brew. It’s suitable for light beers, especially lagers and ales, at up to 30% of the malt mix.
- Wort Colour: 17-24 EBC
- Usage: Light beers, up to 30% of the malt mix
- Beer Styles: Light lagers, ales, low-ABV beers, white beers
What is Château Cara Blond®?
Château Cara Blond® is a specialty caramel malt produced by Castle Malting, offering a delicate caramel-sweet aroma that enhances the flavour and colour of light beers. As a pale caramel malt, it undergoes high-temperature germination and is roasted at up to 220°C, intensifying its aromatic profile and giving it a light golden appearance.
How to Use Château Cara Blond®
Ideal for light lagers, ales, and even white beers, Château Cara Blond® can be incorporated up to 30% of the malt mix to impart a mild sweetness and improve the beer’s overall body and mouthfeel.
Flavour Profile
Château Cara Blond® offers a gentle caramel sweetness, enhancing beer with a rich, layered profile without overshadowing lighter or more subtle flavours in the mix.
Enzymatic Activity
This malt has a minimal enzymatic activity, making it best suited for adding flavour, body, and colour rather than serving as a base malt.
Incorporate Château Cara Blond® during mashing with base malts. Given its low enzymatic activity, it’s most effective when combined with malts that possess higher diastatic power for optimal mashing results.
Combining with Other Malts
Château Cara Blond® works best when paired with base malts, particularly in light lagers or ales, where it can shine without adding excess sweetness or weight to the brew.
Benefits of Château Cara Blond®
This malt enriches beer with a sweet aroma, enhances head retention, and creates a smooth mouthfeel. Its glassy endosperm contributes non-fermentable elements, aiding stability and body.
Château Cara Blond® is part of the Belgian tradition of specialised malts, crafted by Castle Malting with a nine-day malting process that maximises flavour and colour development.
Key Features:
- Moisture Content: Max 8.5%
- Extract (Dry Basis): Min 78.0%
- Wort Colour: 17-24 EBC
- Roasting Temperature: Up to 220°C
- Usage: Light beers, up to 30% of the malt mix
- Flavour Profile: Mild caramel-sweetness
- Applications: Light lagers, ales, and white beers
- Beer Styles: Light lagers, ales, low-ABV beers, white beers
Additional Parameters:
- pH: 6.0
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