BrewZilla 65 L Gen 4
The BrewZilla Gen 4 is designed as a compact single vessel all grain home brewing system that can be run off a 15 amp socket. A system with a delay timing feature and step mash functionality and built to make batches up to 60 L. With chiller.
Complete Concave Draining Base
he new base design completely drains out meaning you capture every single bit of wort. No longer do you need to tilt the brewery to extract every last bit of wort. This also makes it suitable for CIP cleaning.
False Bottom Pump Protection Screen
A key feature of all the BrewZilla single vessel units is the false bottom protection screen. This screen filters wort and prevents more than 95% of hops and hot break getting sucked into the pump and thus greatly reduces the blocked pump issues.
Ultra-Low Watt Density
The BrewZilla has signficantly lower watt density because the heating element is spread over a larger surface. The main benefit of lower watt densities is that it enables you to brew lighter colours of beers without colours being affected by caramelization. The ultra-low watt density also means you have less chance of boil overs, you get less crud sticking to the element making cleaning easier.
RAPT/Wifi Connected
The new Gen 4 model is the first BrewZilla that connects to the RAPT Portal (https://app.rapt.io/). This portal allows you to track, record and monitor your brews online. The RAPT portal also allows you to see every brew you have done in the past and control the brewery remotely so you can start pre-heating water remotely.
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